In February, we celebrated surpassing 30K users of GRADEpro. Your trust in GRADEpro and your active feedback are a real source of motivation for our team to improve and develop the tool. To be accurate, for those of you who are statistics fans, on the 1st of February, we recorded exactly 30,606 users, 54,281 projects, 115,674 questions , 46,397 questions imported from RevMan, and 13,943 iEtD recommendations.
Multi Comparisons
In the next step toward making GRADEpro even more useful for different groups and facilitating customized presentations of results, we’ve introduced a new module. Multi Comparisons, as the module name implies, enables users to compare multiple interventions between each other within a single recommendation framework.

Guideline panel is able to compare data from 3 or more PICO questions.The module helps the guideline panel visualize and prioritize interventions by providing flexible interactive tables, which include judgements from all PICO questions chosen to be compared in the module.
The optional review table makes it possible for panels to make judgments on each intervention across all included Evidence to Decision comparisons and rate the intervention within each EtD criterion. The panel may provide additional comments to the judgement decisions.The Evidence to Decision framework was adapted to be used in this module. You can include multiple strong or conditional recommendations within one framework.
Finally, the multiple comparisons module provides panels with multiple presentation formats, including an interactive presentation of results on a horizontal scale. Your group may view their decision and the ranges between all assessed treatments (interventions).
Additionally, the module provides options to publish your comparisons to the open database of guidelines and evidence profiles, and to save or print to the most popular document formats.Our Multiple Comparisons module has been released as version 1.0 and is available for GRADEpro Enterprise license holders. In the next stage of development we are planning to expand the module to adjust it to different guideline panel workflows, including those for panels using Network Meta-Analysis.To learn more about this functionality and our offer for guideline development groups contact us at