We would like to offer FREE Team Subscriptions for guideline projects and groups who are dealing with the research concerning refugees’ health. If you are a part of a project related to such guidelines, this is something for your group!
Our offer:
For eligible projects, we will upgrade the Standard Subscription to GRADEpro Team - free of charge.
This will let you involve more team members and provide access to additional premium features of GRADEpro Team - free of charge.
GRADEpro is a tool that enables the development of guidelines in accordance with the GRADE methodology. From scoping, through summarizing the evidence to making recommendations and dissemination, GRADEpro guides the users through the process while facilitating shared decision-making. Carefully designed and audience-specific presentations and interactive decision aids can be created for all final recommendations. You can create GRADE evidence tables, develop recommendations using Evidence to Decision frameworks and publish your work to https://guidelines.gradepro.org/search.
GRADEpro has been used by numerous institutions and organizations worldwide to conduct multiple highly impactful guidelines, such as: WHO guidelines on tuberculosis infection prevention and control, ASH Database of GRADE EtD’s and Guidelines, and many others.
More information about GRADEpro: https://www.gradepro.org/product

GRADEpro has three levels of Subscriptions: Standard, Team, and Enterprise.
The free GRADEpro Standard version is used by over 95.000 users worldwide for evidence table authoring and small guideline projects.
The Team version is designed for larger guideline projects that need more cooperation, remote/virtual panels, etc.
GRADEpro Enterprise is for larger organizations that require a higher level of security, project management, and customization.
More information about the subscriptions: https://www.gradepro.org/pricing

Upgrading subscription to Team level allows assigning up to 15 members to the project. In addition, it provides access to PanelVoice- a premium feature that enables guideline developers and guideline panel members to facilitate the process of going from evidence to recommendations.
Moreover, Team enables the adaptation of existing guidelines with the use of GRADE Adolopment, the creation of multi-intervention recommendations, and publishing using premium presentations.
How to benefit from the offer?
If you are developing guidelines on refugees’ health and would like to use the FREE Team Subscription, please get in touch with us at sales@evidenceprime.com.