Navigating COVID-19 Recommendations with RecMap and RecChat
Title: Navigating COVID-19 Recommendations with RecMap and RecChat
Recently Evidence Prime hosted a webinar where we spoke about the the e-COVID RecMap and RecChat. We have put together a blog to highlight the key factors of the webinar and tools. If you would like to watch the webinar, feel free to check it out on our YouTube Channel here:
RecChat: Your AI-powered e-Covid Recommendation Tool.

e-COVID RecMap, or e-COVID-19 Recommendation Map, is your all-in-one platform for accessing COVID-19 recommendations from different sources. Developed by multiple organizations including Cochrane Canada, Evidence Prime, McMaster University and more, this tool helps users access the latest, most credible guidelines in one place.
The e-COVID RecMap serves a diverse audience from community leader to healthcare patients as it offers an easy-to-use interface and frequent updates. Since its launch in 2020, the RecMap team has screened over 6,000 citations, extracted over 75 guidelines, collected 10,361 recommendations, and developed 133 Plain Language Recommendations. Collaboration with 177 researchers from 40+ institutions and receiving two prestigious awards underline its global impact.
Knowledge Mobilization and User Feedback
e-COVID RecMap uses knowledge mobilization to engage target audience groups, enhancing accessibility and usefulness. While users appreciate its easy navigation, some have noted potential barriers like information overload and technical difficulties.
RecChat: Your AI Healthcare Navigator
RecChat is an AI-driven chatbot that enhances healthcare information access within the e-COVID-19 RecMap platform. It offers a conversational approach to accessing precise and evidence-based answers related to COVID-19 recommendations.RecChat caters to a wide range of users, from healthcare professionals to guideline developers delivering fast and relevant information easily.
The Future Potential of RecChat
While RecChat is currently attached to the e-Covid RecMap, it can be used for any guideline or recommendation repository. RecChat can extend to cover various healthcare domains and improve accessibility and efficiency when looking for relevant information. RecMap and RecChat are invaluable tools for accessing important and accurate information. They represent the power of collaboration, innovation, and knowledge mobilization in addressing global health challenges. As the COVID-19 landscape evolves, these tools will remain steadfast partners for those seeking trustworthy information and guidelines.
Q: What can RecChat be used for?
A: RecChat can assist in searching through guideline and recommendation repositories by answering natural language questions with precise information and examples. RecChat can be used for various healthcare guidelines, including those beyond COVID-19.
Q: Can RecChat be used for secure or confidential research data?
A: Yes, RecChat can be used for secure data or confidential research data. It is designed to be adaptable and can be securely deployed on-premises or within a private cloud.
Q: How can protected research data stay secure with RecChat?
A: RecChat ensures data security through certifications, regular security audits, and penetration testing. The processes implemented to obtain these certifications are essential for data protection.
Q: Can RecChat generate output files like histograms from data analysis?
A: While RecChat cannot currently generate histograms, it is possible with the advent of GPT-4 and the code interpreter. RecChat could integrate with this capability to provide data analysis outputs.
Q: Does RecChat differentiate between healthcare professionals and patients?
A: RecChat tailors its answers to the specific user's question. The nature of the query defines the response, adapting to the user's level of expertise.
Q: If an answer is inappropriate for a region, can the user get a link to guidelines in their area?
A: RecChat aims to provide relevant recommendations but sometimes does not match them to the user's region. Instead, it offers recommendations from the different areas that are still relevant.
Q: If an organization uses RecChat, must the organization develop their own RecMap?
A: An organization can use RecChat without creating its own RecMap. However, some data structuring is required to make RecChat function effectively.
Q: How are older recommendations handled in RecMap?
A: RecMap keeps recommendations up to date by replacing older versions with the latest ones from organizations. Recommendations may vary by year, depending on the organization's publishing schedule.
Please note that these answers are paraphrased based on the provided text and may not cover every aspect of the original conversation.