Determining the Scope of Guidelines

Webinar Banner for Scope of Guidelines: GRADEpro

Healthcare decisions can profoundly impact patient outcomes and resource allocation; the significance of evidence-based guidelines cannot be overstated in this regard. Guidelines that inform these decisions serve as invaluable roadmaps, providing clinicians, policymakers, and patients with structured and evidence-based approaches to optimal care. However, at the beginning of every guideline lies a meticulous process of prioritizing questions and outcomes—a process that is fundamental to its credibility and relevance.

At the heart of guideline development lies the necessity to address pertinent clinical questions effectively. Answers to these questions, ranging from diagnosis to surgery, guide the journey towards evidence-based practice. However, with finite time and budget, no guideline team can answer all of the burning questions - they need to select what they will focus on.  During the prioritizing process, guideline developers must ensure that their efforts align closely with the needs of relevant stakeholders - healthcare practitioners, patients and policymakers.

As healthcare continues to evolve, embracing this foundational principle ensures that guidelines remain steadfast beacons, guiding practitioners towards the best possible care for their patients. That being said, it is no easy task, as when it comes to health, there are no unimportant questions. There are a number of criteria and perspectives to consider in order to decide which takes priority over the others. 

For this reason, we at Evidence Prime wanted to hold a webinar to discuss the scope of guidelines and how to prioritize questions and outcomes. Our guest speaker, Tejan Baldeh, will take us through his process of determining the scope of guidelines and how to prioritize questions and outcomes effectively.