Webinar - Laser AI - the new generation tool for systematic reviews

Laser AI - the new generation tool for systematic reviews
A webinar hosted by Evidence Prime took place on the 31st of May.
We held a special edition webinar, where we pre-launched our solution for living, accelerated systematic reviews - Laser AI*. It is a new generation tool for synthesizing available knowledge about a given health problem continuously and with minimal human involvement, accelerating the research and improving its quality.
During the presentation, you learn about the tool from the user's perspective, the different parts of the system, and how they align with the processes of managing and performing screening. We showcase the main features related to project management and the final results for screeners. Based on the presented use case, you learn about the screening process, conflict solution strategies, and PRISMA diagram. In the end, we talk about the upcoming features in Laser AI.

Artur Nowak is a co-founder and the CTO of Evidence Prime. He helps the brightest minds answer the most challenging questions in healthcare through his work in the area of artificial intelligence, especially in the context of systematic review automation.
Kuba Kulesza is a product design manager at Evidence Prime, where he designs and produces Laser AI - the new generation tool for systematic reviews. His domain of expertise is Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience.
What will you learn:
- Introduction to Laser AI: how it started, and why it is needed.
- The interface and features of Laser AI: both for the role of manager and researchers.
- Showcase: the main features related to project management and the final results for screeners.
- Upcoming features and plans for the further development
*Laser AI: This work is supported by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund via the "LaSeR" project (a “Fast Track to Innovation” program by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development).